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“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new” – Socrates

Proposal and Consultation Process Support

When a proposal is announced, the provision of in-house coaching support provides significant resource for everyone. All our coaches are trained to deliver optimal support at this time. Individual onsite sessions during the review and decision-making phase help people process the information in front of them, frame feedback to the business and make decisions.

A key focus for these sessions is to help people position themselves for sound decision-making. Our goal is to support the individual so they think in a more objective manner and are enabled to identify the key priorities and necessary steps to follow.

Key deliverables can include:

  • Individuals feeling more in control, taking ownership of their career;
  • Effective strategies for clear thinking, despite external stressors;
  • Continued engagement of people with organisational objectives;
  • Willingness to go the extra mile and support the organisation during the change.
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